Bataille Parts 1-3

This is a 13 part video series that Nae did on Bataille that continues his exploration of postmodern philosophers often used in debate.

In the first video, Nae introduces Bataille as an author. First, Nae breaks down the distinction between the general and the restricted economy. They are two different ways of thinking about the economy and production and human beings relationship to energy. Second, Nae talks about being and becoming. In debate, Bataille can be used on the affirmative to talk about our relationship to the topic and assigning value and Nae recommends employing it in impact turn style debates. On the water topic, Nae recommends looking at solar energy and water scarcity and the relationship between scarcity and the general/restricted economy. On the Neg, you could make critical evaluations for impact turn debates that could be very strategic in answering Aff offense.

In part 2, Nae talks about Bataille on the negative and reading it as a criticism against policy teams. Nae focuses on the thesis and the framework portion of the debate in this video. If any aff says solar energy, solar tech, or warming, Bataille might be a strategic position to read. If not, you want to be deeper into the literature base in order to kritik politics. For the framework, you should ask what the value of debate is as a whole. Atomization and how that changes human experience might be strategic to disprove the other team access internal links or action outside the debate. Nae thinks the thesis level of the debate is the most important part for Bataille and gives some suggests for how to frame that portion of the debate and flow.

In part 3, Nae concludes talking about Bataille on the negative against policy teams. Nae discusses the link debate, impact comparison, the perm, and the alternative portion of the debate. For the link debate, Nae suggests starting with kritiking life and death and productivity towards protecting human life and how that relates to the restricted economy. For affs about climate change or water topic affs about resource development and usage, Bataille's arguments about scarcity would be really good link arguments. Against permutations, Nae recommends utilizing the framing portion of the debate and why their understanding of what it means for different relationships to exist.


2021 Nov/Dec LD Topic Lecture


Nov/Dec 2021 Traditional LD Topic Lecture